SkillZONE, Gloucester
Who are we?
SkillZONE has been designed to reduce unintentional injury from fire, road and leisure accidents, reduce anti-social behaviour, improve health and wellbeing and increase social inclusion for all ages. These outcomes are achieved through a combination of prevention safety education sessions in the scenario village, targeted work across areas of concern and intervention for young people, families and adults with additional needs. This work changes attitudes and behaviour by identifying risks and understanding how to make safer choices. This is intended to reduce attendance at Accident & Emergency, delay or prevent first entry into the criminal justice system and reduce the pressure eon mental health services. SkillZONE complements Gloucestershire Safeguarding Services by intervening to reduce or prevent dangerous fire behaviour, supporting at risk families and children, offering diversionary projects for young people who need some support and providing a safe space to explore the consequences of risk behaviour. Programmes: Early Years Education Age - 0-5 Years Location - Community Detail - Fire and home safety interactive lessons Outcome - Reduce harm from fire. SkillZONE Community Safety Education Age - 5 Years – adult Location - SkillZONE Scenario Village Detail - Community safety, home fire and road safety, making safer choices, cyber safety, criminal justice consequences and gaining independence. Outcome - Reduction in unintentional injury at home and out of the community, reduction in antisocial behaviour, improved life skills and chances for young people. Youth Diversion (Fired Up) Age- 9-18 Years Location - SkillZONE & Community Fire Stations Detail - Targeted and intensive 3 day session with practical team work drills with Firefighters. Outcome - Increase in resilience, improved team work and communication skills, reduction in antisocial behaviour and increased trust within the community. Firesetter Intervention Age - 1-18 Years Location - SkillZONE & School or Home Detail - Intensive session with trained firesetter advisor over extended period to educate and divert from inappropriate behaviour. Outcome - Reduce unhealthy interest in fire and fire activity, reduce damage and harm from fire, reduce injuries and offending. Fire Cadets Age - 13 – 18 Years Location - Community Fire Stations Detail - Uniformed cadet scheme. Outcome - Increase social action and build character. Staffing Structure: Prevention Manger SkillZONE Manager Volunteer and Resources Manager Volunteer and Resources Coordinator Early Years Education Officers (2) SkillZONE Business Coordinator SkillZONE Volunteers (Lead Guides, Session guides and Reception) Funding/Governance: SkillZONE is part of Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service which is governed by Gloucestershire County Council. We also collaborate with many organisations who sponsor projects within our SkillZONE Village. Examples include Great Western Railway, Western Power, National Dog Trust, RNLI, Canal & River Trust and Mid-Counties Cooperative. Any other facilities? We are pleased to offer the SkillZONE village and our cinema for hire for the delivery of training programmes which require scenario sets to enable realistic role play activities and which also support the GFRS response and prevention agenda. Examples include: first aid training, emergency response, home adaptations training. Please visit the SkillZONE Website for more details about corporate hire Contact SkillZone Tuffley Lane Gloucester GL4 0AS [email protected] 01452 834150 |