‘FireSafe’ is a 10 session, one to one cognitive behavioural programme aimed at low to medium risk fire setters in the 12-17 year age range. The programme is mainly educational but also covers consequential thinking and victim awareness.
The key areas addressed are: • Cognitive behavioural skills • Education and fire awareness • Family involvement (where appropriate) This unique programme was developed by the Cognitive Development Centre, with the support of Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service. The intervention was developed following an intensive research process which identified the lack of any accredited intervention scheme for young people where fire play /fire starting and fire setting was part of their profile problem. DangerPoint, a Childrens Safety Education Centre based in North Wales, was successful in securing funding from the Fire & Rescue Branch of the Community Safety Division, Welsh Assembly Government. A Partnership between DangerPoint, North Wales Fire & Rescue Service and the Youth Justice Service was formed, and has been the first in Wales to undertake the training needed to be able to deliver the FireSafe intervention programme to these young people. The programme is jointly coordinated by DangerPoint and North Wales Fire & Rescue Service and is delivered by trained personnel from these organisations as well as personnel from the Youth Justice Services across North Wales. Referrals are welcome from any agency or organisation who have identified a fire setting problem with a young person. An assessment will then be made to determine if the FireSafe programme is appropriate, and a FireSafe operative will be appointed to deliver the programme. If you are interested in the FireSafe programme, or would like further information on other fire setting schemes, please contact Cat Harvey on [email protected] or 01745 85041.
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June 2023